no more double chin with kybella
Are you ready to embrace a sleek, sculpted jawline and bid farewell to pesky double chins? At Hazel + Honey Med Spa in Wichita, we're thrilled to have the best treatment designed to effortlessly redefine your facial contours and unveil a more radiant you. We can achieve this look a variety of ways - one of which is Kybella.
What is Kybella?
Kybella Injections: Kybella is an injectable treatment that dissolves fat cells, to reduce small areas of excess fat. It’s the only FDA-approved cosmetic injectable for permanently reducing submental fat, commonly called a double chin. This FDA-approved treatment harnesses the potency of deoxycholic acid to dissolve fat cells beneath the chin, leaving you with a beautifully contoured jawline. Our skilled professionals at Hazel + Honey Med Spa administer these injections with precision, ensuring stunning results and minimal downtime. Our skilled injectors know how much to place and where based on your initial consultation.
Is it only for the face?
No, we can use this treatment "off-label" to treat other small pockets of fat on the body, including above the knees and elbows, upper arms, abdomen, bra roll and more.
How much is Kybella?
Pricing starts at $1200. This is a very customized treatment so pricing varies per patient.
Our patients have seen incredible results with these injections and we want to do the same for you!
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